Diego Reeb, Grants Manager
Our day programs include service and fun with peers in our community.

What do CAN volunteers do?
CAN participants are young men and women with intellectual and developmental disabilities who have limited communication and social skills. CAN volunteers guide and monitor participants, assist them with vocational tasks, help them participate in community outings, model and encourage socially appropriate behavior, and just hang out and get to know them. Our program leader will let you know what is needed, and will supervise all activities.
How do I sign up?
Contact us at info@communityaccessnaperville.org. The calendar of CAN sessions is available on our website, and we will want to know which dates you are available to attend. We’ll send you a short information and release form, which you will need to fill out and bring with you to the first CAN session that you attend.
What will be expected from me?
It is very important for CAN to know for sure whether you will be attending or not. We have a limited number of openings at each session. Last-minute cancellations and “no-shows” mean that 1) we might have turned away another volunteer needlessly and 2) one of our participants won’t have a buddy helping him/her. Once you have committed to attending a CAN session, please remember that we are counting on you to be there. If something comes up and you realize that you will not be able to attend the CAN session, we need to know immediately.
Please check your email! About a week before each session that you have confirmed you will attend, we will send you details about the plans for that day. The cost of all transportation and activities will be covered by CAN. However, you should plan to either bring your lunch or to buy lunch if the “CAN plan” includes a restaurant outing. CAN sessions often involve a significant amount of walking outdoors, so please wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather. Volunteers are expected to stay focused on CAN participants and activities. Phones should only be used to stay in contact with others in the CAN group, or for emergency situations.
Where does CAN meet?
CAN sessions always begin and end at First Congregational Church, 25 E. Benton Ave., Naperville.
Thanks very much for helping out at Community Access Naperville!
Volunteer FAQs